Sarah Shines Art

Sarah Shines Art

Monday, April 14, 2014

busy day.. its sorta my friday..

so fun surprise today - very nice thank you 
from some special ladies...
 let me go on a shopping spree at my favorite craft store!

I did a little ME shopping.
some for my E-course class

I was hoping to get some gold/silver leafing supplies and some beeswax. But it will have to wait.

I will be doing the TAXES(yuck!) tomorrow.. stinks to wait til last minute but couldn't be helped.
I will reward myself with some painting time! 
I have homework to read tonight from today's email from DAPL.  

I will be also working on my blog outline.. * things to talk about, * my Artist Vision Statement, * my short term goals, *long term goals, * Where do I want to go, * what do I want to accomplish, * My WISHES! * my DREAMS!  
These two books are helping me with my path.. helping me to listen, to learn, to grow, 
Challenge myself, get out of my comfy jammies ~ 
into my 6 inch I mean Business Heals!

 This Book is Amazing!! Even though I am almost done raising my children.. It helps to remind me I have value.. I'm not just a MoM!
Easy to read and follow prompts.

I have ordered most if not all my books from Very reliable and easy to find books.. Make a wish list to keep wants and wishes ready for when I can buy them when I am ready.

very special
I got it about 
a year ago... 

shortly after an amazing trip to the coast with my two kids.
We need to do it again. I looove the Oregon Coast.

While walking in Old Town, 
I found this picture on a 
coffee mug..
Trumpets Blaring.. Heart thumping... Something inside me CLICKED!

Ever since that day.. 
I have been taking steps 
to get me to where 
I am today. Some big girl steps.. some baby ones. 
I have joined some exciting and uplifting groups on Facebook. 
LOVE! You!

I would love to meet Kelly Rae Roberts! Give a big THank You! for sharing your talent! your love! your GRACE!

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