Sarah Shines Art

Sarah Shines Art

Sunday, January 29, 2017

a LOOK BACK at last year from June to Present...PART ONE

We celebrated so much in June!
Our son graduated from High School! Super proud of the young man he has become...
that old saying- where does the time go! is soo cheesy but so true. 

that weekend was also my mother's wedding. I took an extra day to get our home set up for our son's graduation party Saturday nite and then spent the rest of the day getting flowers done for the ceremony... It was a beautiful ceremony with all the
right people witnessing their commitment. 

something borrowed, something blue, something old, something new
her father and grandmother were with her.

June PART 3- my booth was at
Sweet Salvage's
Summer Vintage Fair
- Located at the Walterville Grange.
It was a 2 day event.

*the learning curve for setting up a booth
for inclement weather (IT WAS HOT!)
taught this girl- be prepared..I thought I was,
but the heat got to me on the last day.
It was a great EVENT, with lots of traffic, it's on my list to attend more if I can.

Springfield's 2nd Friday ART Walk

I tightened up my space, limited to showing
finished works of art, highlighted some Upcycled Jewelry, and display some ready to frame prints.

Heart's for Hospice are always great
host's with big Hearts!

SeenEugene - captured a nice photo of the ARTIST!

AUGUST- Hello Beautiful was hung for a month
at Emerald Art Center in Springfield.
I signed up for membership... hoping to be more active in the
community. I am still really struggling to make time, volunteer, showing up.
As some of you know... my plate is very full.

SEPTEMBER- at the DAY JOB: just before my annual elk hunt.
I snuck some much needed Mentoring with Tiffany Haugen
my day job's Pro Staffer and Ambassodor.
She is one cooool chick and is gracious to share her heart, knowledge
and passion for educating others.

FALL VINTAGE FAIR- this was the 2nd time
I attended her fall event. It was MAGICAL!!!!!

I have a HUGE thank you for my mother, daughter and Craig,
my mothers' new husband. They helped set up and
tear down. I wouldn't have been able to do it with out their help. 

2 day event again. The weather held on Friday,
with a ridiculous amount of foot traffic.
Saw old friends and new... Family members were able to stop by.

This journey I have been on this past year had a lot of growth,
memories, lessons, challenges..
and lots of success!

My grandma Bloom - spoke to me at the Fall Vintage Fair..
and I found the item pictured below..
I had to have it in my studio...
which will be my next post... Stay Tuned!!!

This last summer... I had some thoughts chewing and stewing...
I'd like to get my upcycled jewelry a more polished packaging.
make setting up my booth smoother, and cherishing the gifts
my grandmothers, aunts, my mom & mentors have blessed me with...
here is a sneak peak!!

Thank You!
for taking time out of your day for stopping by...

Sarah Shines-ART

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Upcycled Projects, My New Studio, Upcoming events-- what have I been up to?

my Grandma Bloom-
MUM, Dell, Margaret Idella Campbell Bloom

I knew her from afar- she lived in Greenville, SC for most of my life.
Before I left Florida(where I was born) I spent most everyday of my first
four years at her home in Fort Worth. I cherish every photo from those days.

My family of 5 moved to Oregon when I was 4 and we've been here ever since.

My mother was going to name me, her first Daughter
Sunshine Bloom (born in 1974)
but MUM, my dad's mother, who my mother looked to
for guidance was talked out of that and went with Sarah. 
EVERYONE calls me Sunshine- most don't know the story.

Mum wrote to all of us kids in Oregon, at least once a month,
all holidays and would include a craft item she made,
when I got older, I'd share with her what I was making
(before Instagram, Facebook) I had to describe it, or draw a picture. 
She would send me photos of her winning ribbon fair items,
blankets, crocheted items, "upcycled' jewelry,
or stuff she just made from nothing.  I still have all those photos. 
She also typed up and had printed 2 books of poems
and stories about her 7 children.
Each of her children and each grandchild received a copy.

I sooo badly wanted to see her one more time,
and I was blessed to spend 3 months with her
just after I graduated high school. 
I soaked in everything at her humble single wide trailer.
I touched all her collections,
I even got her to show me how to crochet(I'm a lefty)

She has always inspired me. So much of her is in me.
I hear her giggle when I make something crafty.
She was the only grandma that made an effort
to be in my life- and it was from 3000 miles away.

That ironing board- raised her family of 7-
then Our family of 6(we added one more in Oregon)
her hands were on it everyday.
That deep connection has no words to describe
what it feels like. the stories, the history-
who gave it to her? did she buy it? was it handed down?
It may have traveled from Pennsylvania, Connecticut,
Virginia, Florida, South Carolina and and finally, Oregon.
(great info on Chicago made items -
National Washboard Company from Chicago}
It's almost a 100 years old...

I pulled all the layers of fabric off,
gently removed the broken legs( I saved them, I think I can rip them
down to make something funky!).
I predrilled holes for the mounting brackets,
attached the World market adjustable rack(scored great price due to bent part)
screwed everything down, touched up screw heads with black paint,
and attached it to the wall with some molly screws
(quite heavy once mugs are added)
It can hang vertical or horizontal ( the hooks move 360degrees).

I am truly blessed. Some might find it silly- but living a world
away from someone so special.. it truly means a lot to me. 
It now resides in my dining room
over looking her table,
which I was also blessed to receive. -
I want to do
another project with it, 
not sure yet what I'm going to do,
its still percolating! Stay tuned.....

Thank you for stopping by,
reading my story and looking at my

SNEAK Peek!!!!
My next post will be about what I was up
to from June 2016 to present...

Have a great day!

Sarah Shines -ART