We celebrated so much in June!
Our son graduated from High School! Super proud of the young man he has become...
that old saying- where does the time go! is soo cheesy but so true.
that weekend was also my mother's wedding. I took an extra day to get our home set up for our son's graduation party Saturday nite and then spent the rest of the day getting flowers done for the ceremony... It was a beautiful ceremony with all the
right people witnessing their commitment.
something borrowed, something blue, something old, something new
her father and grandmother were with her.

Sweet Salvage's
Summer Vintage Fair
- Located at the Walterville Grange.
It was a 2 day event.
*the learning curve for setting up a booth
for inclement weather (IT WAS HOT!)
taught this girl- be prepared..I thought I was,
but the heat got to me on the last day.
It was a great EVENT, with lots of traffic, it's on my list to attend more if I can.

Springfield's 2nd Friday ART Walk
I tightened up my space, limited to showing
finished works of art, highlighted some Upcycled Jewelry, and display some ready to frame prints.
Heart's for Hospice are always great
host's with big Hearts!
SeenEugene - captured a nice photo of the ARTIST!
AUGUST- Hello Beautiful was hung for a month
at Emerald Art Center in Springfield.
I signed up for membership... hoping to be more active in the
community. I am still really struggling to make time, volunteer, showing up.
As some of you know... my plate is very full.
SEPTEMBER- at the DAY JOB: just before my annual elk hunt.
I snuck some much needed Mentoring with Tiffany Haugen
my day job's Pro Staffer and Ambassodor.
She is one cooool chick and is gracious to share her heart, knowledge
and passion for educating others.
FALL VINTAGE FAIR- this was the 2nd time
I attended her fall event. It was MAGICAL!!!!!
FALL VINTAGE FAIR- this was the 2nd time
I attended her fall event. It was MAGICAL!!!!!
my mothers' new husband. They helped set up and
tear down. I wouldn't have been able to do it with out their help.
2 day event again. The weather held on Friday,
with a ridiculous amount of foot traffic.
Saw old friends and new... Family members were able to stop by.

This journey I have been on this past year had a lot of growth,
memories, lessons, challenges..
and lots of success!
My grandma Bloom - spoke to me at the Fall Vintage Fair..
and I found the item pictured below..
I had to have it in my studio...
which will be my next post... Stay Tuned!!!

This last summer... I had some thoughts chewing and stewing...
I'd like to get my upcycled jewelry a more polished packaging.
make setting up my booth smoother, and cherishing the gifts
my grandmothers, aunts, my mom & mentors have blessed me with...
here is a sneak peak!!
Thank You!
for taking time out of your day for stopping by...
Sarah Shines-ART
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