Sarah Shines Art

Sarah Shines Art

Friday, June 20, 2014

Hosting a rummage sale... loving this ARTIST!!

Imagine Play Emerge and Giveaway

Sweet Artist.. sharing her blog site... she is hosting an e-course.
hmmmm... Check her out!!!

Hosting a Rummage Sale this weekend!!!
satisfaction getting stuff out of the house..HUGE!!!
finding stuff I haven't seen for over 3 years..

Have a great weekend.. will post pics of sale!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

..I am past due to post.. so Here I am!

I have had a CRAZY month of CRAZYNESS! Where did a month go?
(I think I need new glasses!) eye strain from Computer is kickin my bootie!

I started a new position April 28th at the regular job - I challenged myself to learn more at Cabela's.. I applied and got the position as Product Training Specialist - I was the Archery Optic Lead for almost 2 years! Its been quite a ride for the last several weeks..learning my new position.  But I have faith it will smooth out. I have a great partner in crime with me.
What I like about this new job - I am TEACHING! I am researching, training, managing my time & organizing.  Definitely need those skills! to support my dream.

I woke up this morning on my day off from reg. job.. working on my little house -purging, cleaning -getting ready for huge rummage sale I am taking 6 days off from reg. job.. (next week)
Kinser Family Rummage Sale
3 years after starting to work at Cabelas, there is stuff I haven't seen or touched.  My babies are almost grown.. they have stuff I want to keep organized as they get ready to move on in their lives...
     - my heart is aching at what I have missed these last three years... I feel like I've been in a time warp..
Thank gosh I take a lot of photo's.. they help me remember those few moments I came up for air...and got to spend precious time with my family.
PHOTO's, greeting cards, christmas cards - I always make a newsletter to share with family and friends.. I haven't made one since 2012!  ..sniff.. I love making those.

so I took a break from my organizing this morning.. checked in with FB.. and I find this Beautiful Soul.. SoulMate <3


We both LOVE Miss Kelly Rae Roberts.. we have a very similar story.. Its amazing how one person
can affect so many lives!
Thank you Miss Rachel and Miss KRR for reminding me to "Let It Go" - its time to move on, to grow, to listen to my whispers.. to not give up!
I shared my story about finding Miss KRR here

Sorry for taking so long to post! but Its LIFE!
Oh! almost forgot!!!!!! Check this out!

I got commissioned to creat this really cool piece!!! 
I love how it turned out! it measures 3 ft x 4 ft

I amaze myself.... 
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog!
Listen to your whispers!
Let It go!
where can you find my art???
these were commission pieces I made 
Just ask Linda at

or contact me via

..stay tuned! I hope my next post will be about my new! organized studio!
How my rummage sale went....