My family started the first day of April with saying goodbye to my husbands father.
Sadly, an estranged relationship. We were blessed, after finding out on monday.. that his Father
only has a short time.. and was going home for hospice care.
I say blessed... because a family member let us know before it was too late to say goodbye.
Blessed because he and his only brother/sibling had a chance to simply say...
I love you.
Heartbreaking to say the least.. but substance abuse, co-dependence, anger, insecurities,
have blocked them all from saying how they really felt.
Duane and I have dealt with it our whole lives.. and have chosen a different path for
ourselves, our children...
We were done with family drama, dysfunction and crisis after crisis..
Not saying our 26 years together haven't had those.. but we
choose to "Just Love".

WIP above.. click on the link to see the other WIP's I am
currently working on.
Dealing with grief, letting a loved one go will never be easy..
But we can choose to remember the things,
the memories we loved about that person.
And let the rest Go.....
Showing up! Hubby and I working table for
Green Valley Archers Club
Spring Great Outdoors Day at Cabela's
Tonight I start teaching my first Archery class... for adults.. at
I have been invited and will be featured at
Stay Tuned!!!!