My word for this year "SEEKER"
- learning, growing, trying new techniques,
going for it, letting it go, reaching out
I have been able to get out of my comfort zone in the
first few weeks of the new year.
I went to the 2nd Friday Art walk in Downtown Springfield. Very informative and inspiring.
Got to hand out my business card. Will follow up in the next week to see if they are interested.
One of my favorite pieces! the artist:
Heather Pickett at the Growler Underground,521 Main

I went to Michaels on saturday to check out their art class open house.
Got to chat with their two instructors... they work at another business...
got me curious. Will look into those links later ;)
Picked up the latest copy of Somerset Studio - always inspired!
and then REACH OUT to some of the artists in the magazine!! WHAT!
I did! and they were all responsive! "PINCH"!
Working on my goal to meet other Mixed Media Artists out there!
Would love to hear from you as well.. Let me know what you think of my
Blog, what can I do to improve or change??? my art- what talks to you.
I used my last vacation day & put it with this
next weekend off... Soooo 3 day weekend baby!!!!
gonna get down and create! so excited..
I've been stockpiling canvases and new tools,
added to my paint supplies and reorganized my art studio.. to get my 2 NEW rolling carts set up to paint til I drop :)
very special.. sounds dumb.. a table.. but I purchased it with money earned from my art. I went to Ruthie B's in downtown Springfield, OR (its gone now... Planktown took its place) & bought it. it was sooo cute.. dual drop leaf on the sides- square top when they are down and oval when they are up.
I still want to use the table for dining or as a buffet for family events.. but wanted a taller work surface.. and wanted it on wheels to move when I need to make space for large canvases.

took the top off. Want to salvage the other
parts into other projects.
Love the scallop edges.. and spindles.

found a old school tv cart at BRING recycling in Eugene.
$40... cut the top off... with a dremel tool! SPaRKs!!!!!
Yes I used eye & hearing protection.
No body was injured!
BONUS! it still has the power
strip attached just under the table top..
I can plug it in and then plug several tools in full time...
thinking I can make a tray just under the top
to hold those tools.. Hhhmmmm!!!

Hi my name is Sarah and I like to collect
vintage metal tool boxes. <3

Last but not least!!!
I can see!